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cybersecurity services for small businesses- Cybersecurity Checklist

Cybersecurity Checklist for Small Businesses

Is your small business prepared for a cyberattack? Did you know 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses—and most aren’t ready. One breach can cost you thousands, damage your reputation, and even shut down operations.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Ready to safeguard your business? Then get started with this FREE cybersecurity checklist for small businesses and put a stop to cyber threats before they strike!

1. Identify: Know What You’re Protecting with Our Cybersecurity Checklist

Inventory all assets

  • Keep a list of every device, software, and system your business uses.

Classify sensitive data

  • Identify critical data like customer details, financial records, and intellectual property. Know where it’s stored and how it’s accessed.

Risk assessment

  • Regularly assess potential threats and vulnerabilities. What’s at stake if data is stolen or compromised?

Vendor risks

  • Review the security practices of third-party vendors or partners. Make sure their risks don’t become your risks.

Fun Fact:

The average cost of a cyberattack on a small business is $200,000—yep, that’s enough to put many businesses under! Better to invest in prevention now than pay later.

2. Protect: Guard Your Business Like a Fort

Limit access to sensitive data

  • Not everyone needs access to everything. Use role-based permissions so employees only see what they need.

Strong passwords + 2FA

  • Require strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for key accounts to add an extra layer of security.

Employee cybersecurity training

  • Make training a part of the onboarding process and offer regular refreshers. Teach your team how to avoid phishing scams and handle data safely.

Firewalls and VPNs

  • Set up a firewall to block unauthorized access and use VPNs for secure remote connections.

Data encryption

  • Encrypt sensitive data both at rest (stored) and in transit (while being sent or received).

Mobile device security

  • Ensure all mobile devices, including employee smartphones, are secure, especially if they’re used to access business data.

Fun Fact 

Did you know the most commonly used password is still “123456”? Make sure your team’s passwords are a bit more creative—and way more secure!

3. Detect: Stay Vigilant for Cyber Threats

Monitor network activity

  • Use automated tools to track network activity 24/7. Be on the lookout for unusual patterns or unauthorized access attempts.

Intrusion detection systems (IDPS)

  • Set up systems to detect and respond to suspicious activity before it becomes a bigger problem.

Log management

  • Regularly check logs from all systems and networks for any red flags. Keeping a history helps in identifying patterns of attacks.

4. Respond: Be Ready When Things Go Wrong

Incident response plan

  • Prepare a plan that clearly outlines steps to take when a cyberattack occurs. Make sure everyone knows their role.

Response team

  • Assign a team responsible for handling cybersecurity incidents, from detecting the problem to resolving it.

Contain and mitigate

  • Know how to isolate infected devices or systems and prevent the spread of malware or breaches.

Communicate breaches

  • Notify customers, partners, and regulatory bodies quickly and transparently in the event of a breach. It’s required by law in many cases!

Fun Fact

About 90% of successful cyberattacks start with phishing emails. That’s why training employees to recognize scams is one of the best defenses you can have!

5. Recover: Bounce Back Strong

Regular backups

Business continuity plan

  • Create a roadmap for restoring business operations after an attack with minimal disruption. Prioritize what’s essential to get running first.

Learn and improve

  • After an incident, review what went right and what went wrong. Use those lessons to update your incident response plan.

Cyber insurance

  • Consider cybersecurity insurance to help cover costs related to data breaches, including legal fees and recovery expenses.

Fun Fact 

Businesses are 3x more likely to be targeted by cyberattacks if they don’t have an incident response plan. Being prepared could save your company!

6. Continuous Improvement: Stay Ahead of the Curve 

Update all systems and software

  • Regularly update all software, security tools, and operating systems. Apply patches as soon as they are released to avoid vulnerabilities.

Routine cybersecurity audits

  • Schedule audits to review your security policies, procedures, and tools. Ensure your defenses keep up with evolving threats.

Penetration testing

  • Hire a professional to try to “hack” into your system and identify weaknesses. Better they find it than a real hacker!

Stay compliant

  • Keep up to date with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA, depending on your industry and location.

Quick Wins for Extra Protection 🎯

  • Use password managers to generate and store complex passwords securely.
  • Separate guest and business Wi-Fi to avoid unwanted snooping.
  • Phishing simulations can train your staff to identify suspicious emails and avoid costly mistakes.
  • Take advantage of a cybersecurity checklist for small businesses like this one or hire an MSP for complete peace of mind.

Fun Fact

By following these simple steps, you can reduce your risk of a cyberattack by up to 80%! That’s a huge win for just a little effort.

⚠️ Remember: Cybersecurity is a journey, not a destination.
Keep improving, stay vigilant, and know that every step you take strengthens your business. For more tips and resources, visit the National Institute of Standards and Technology website.

Protect Your Business with this Cyber Security Checklist and a Trusted Cybersecurity Partner!

At SkyTide Group, we know that small businesses are the backbone of our economy—and cyber threats shouldn’t stand in your way. Let us help you stay secure, compliant, and ahead of the curve with 24/7 monitoring, cutting-edge technology, and personalized solutions.

Why SkyTide Group?

  • Proactive Protection: We stop cyber threats before they happen, so you can focus on what matters—growing your business.
  • Tailored Solutions: No cookie-cutter approaches here. We build cybersecurity solutions that fit your unique needs.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of security experts is always ready to support you and your team.
  • Compliance Simplified: Stay compliant with the latest regulations without the headache.

📈 Ready to take your security to the next level?
Once you’ve finished this cybersecurity checklist for small businesses, schedule a free cybersecurity assessment with SkyTide Group today and discover how we can fortify your business against evolving threats.

📞 Call us at 833-775-1577 or visit www.skytide.com to get started!

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